Friday, February 7, 2014

SATAN is Real and He is DUMB

      This morning we had an amazing lesson with an amazing daughter of God. We were talking of the apostasy, a topic that seems to be hard for many to grasp and believe. We just had finished the lesson when she said it was just like the Catholic church, so we went in and explained again, she seemed to relate to scriptures so we pulled out some of the best on the apostasy. After one scripture in 2 timothy 3:3-4, she said yes I understand that scripture hermanas. She then went on to say that she believed it because it was in the bible, but that based on her observations she tweaked it. We were both a bit speechless. This amazing women is so great, but she has let Satan in and he has twisted everything that is true and real.
        What a testimony builder this experience was for me that Satan is REAL! Not only that but that he can make the silliest thing look right and true. We must protect ourselves from his grasps, we must hold STRONG to those covenants we have made so that we can have the promise of the protection of our SAVIOR!
          I KNOW this is the TRUE church. I KNOW that we are ALL sons and DAUGHTERS of our Heavenly Father and He has a PERFECT plan for us.                                                                   TRUST in Him!

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